Platform Features

Algorithms analyzing over 60 data points include aggregated
data from our DMP, allowing us to reliably predict which
users are going to click and bring revenue.

Campaign Safeguarding

AD Fraud becomes an increasingly complex and sophisticated issue. The last thing you want is an
advertising budget frittered away on fraudulent views.

Tech Scanner
Tech Scanner

AMPX’s proprietary tech. Scanner monitors traffic to track usage patterns, view length, and any interactions on undesired apps/sites

Qualified Customers

Proprietary fraud prevention suite combined with third-party fraud detection platforms minimizes risk for brands.

Fraud Detection

Matching technology uses valid historical data to ensure that targeted viewers are qualified and relevant customers, not bots or fraudsters.

Real-Time IP Blacklisting

Real-time IP blacklisting - as blacklisted providers swap their IP, we keep monitoring, 24/7/365, catching the new IP quickly, so you never have the opportunity to buy into fraud.

Monetisation Solution: Maximize Revenue
With Diverse Solutions.

Ampx is the direct path to high-quality advertisers - with no addition margin fees - to increase
ARPDAU and help your business earn more.

More Competitive Auctions
Get the most out of your ad impressions through real time auctions that attracts a diverse range of advertisers to maximize revenues.
Zero Latency
Show ads instantly and accurately, without any delay or delivers fast response time.
High Performing Ad Formats
Serve the right creative to the right users with the format that works best with your ads.
Direct Demand
Eliminate costly intermediaries with direct access to premium global advertisers and higher bids and exposure.
Incremental Revenue
Obtain optimal CPMs for your high value users and not just go by blankers CPMs.
Monetisation Opportunities
Wide range of advertisers like branding, retargeting, and performance attracts a wide range of advertisers allowing publishers to maximize revenue potentials.

Our Solution For Brand And Agency

DSP provides efficient workflow for ad buyers, lower cost, expanded reach, sophisticated
training, powerful data, and optimisation, total control to the media buyer.

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